
Keyp makes login processes more secure with its Digital Identity Management

Front-end development
Backend development


Imagine someone takes the problem you have, having to manage hundreds of passwords. And simply solves it. Munich-based startup Keyp has done just that. And in a way that has data protection at the core of its technology, so you don't have to worry about your data security. Similar to blockchain technology, Keyp developed an Identity Terminal with its own protocol for exchanging identification features such as Videoident or biometric data.

Project goal

In the joint collaboration with the startup, the main focus was on working quickly and agilely. In close collaboration and good interaction between the product team, UX and dev, a prototype was created in a very short time, which brought further investors on board. Working with a startup in its early days usually means: a limited budget, still limited knowledge about the target group and pressure to have something market-ready for investors. It was important for us to quickly generate knowledge about the target group in order to be able to iterate quickly.

The deliverables

Software architecture
UX concept

Smart features and an unprecedented user experience

Our team had particular pleasure in developing the elegant and fluid drag & drop system for the Workflow Manager. Such a high level of quality and stability is certainly untypical for a first release.

A UX concept that revolutionizes identity management

The world's first identity terminal of its kind connects any number of identity solutions and can be integrated with any existing identity management system. Our team is proud to be part of the product development team that helped launch the platform and overcome the technical challenges on the way to an unprecedented technology and user experience. Another plus of the application is a significantly higher conversion rate.

Outcome phase 1

Simple and intuitive operating concept developed.

Angular development & agile methods

On the technological side, Angular was our framework of choice, supported by Stencil.js. A flexible architecture well covered with automated tests ensures that everything continues to run stably even after the first release.

Outcome phase 2

Prototypes quickly developed, further investors convinced.

Fast prototype

Instead of taking the traditional, time-consuming approach, we made a conscious decision to use agile process for a rapid prototype. This approach allowed us to make Keyp's core features and user experience tangible in the shortest amount of time. Through this agile method, we were able to gain key insights, gather feedback, and make adjustments early on, ultimately resulting in a more effective and user-centric design. We were also able to achieve the goal of attracting investor:ing to the startup as a result.

Final UI Design Impressions

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"Our partner interfacewerk enabled us to get off to a fast start with the development of our first prototype with a lot of expertise. This first version showed everyone how well our vision of a digital identity ecosystem works in reality. The quality of interfacewerk's UX/UI development is outstanding - only minimal briefing is needed to achieve excellent results!"

Jonathan Berroth,

Product Manager